Our Planet Needs to Survive! Vote to Defeat Climate Change and Environmental Destruction

Voting for leaders committed to combating climate change and preserving biodiversity is critical to securing a sustainable future. Please register and join with others to support candidates who understand and act against the escalating threats to our environment.

On September 20, 2019, in San Francisco, CA, USA, participants raised placards with messages about climate change during the Global Climate Strike Rally and March, which took place in downtown San Francisco.
© Andreistanescu/Dreamstime

Let’s Be Honest

We all share some responsibility for the problems our planet and the species we share it with face. That said, if we look for solutions, they exist, and we must find them.

Our Earth is a complex web of life, interconnecting all living beings from the tiniest bacteria buried in the soil to the largest animals on Earth, the magnificent blue whales. This intricate network of interdependencies sustains life as we know it.

A delicate balance threatened by climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. These environmental challenges affect all life forms, including humans. As millions of species disappear, we lose the beauty of diverse ecosystems and the vital services they provide, such as being food sources, controlling pollination, containing troubling species, and many other benefits. This loss puts the survival of all species, including our own, at risk.

All of us must contribute to solving the planetary crisis we face, and as individuals, there are many things each of us can do to help. Each of us needs to do our part, such as reducing waste, conserving water, and making greener lifestyle choices. When joined with similar actions by others, these actions are critically important.

Those are great choices we can make, but more is needed. The battle to create sustainable solutions will only be won with leadership on board who share our concerns and are committed to solving them. For global solutions, voters must elect effective, committed leadership.


People marched for climate change. A woman's hand holds a sign that reads, 'There is no Planet B.'

Kevin Snyman/Pixabay


The Solutions

Leaders and governments around the world must address global problems. Governance must be by leaders who understand and acknowledge that climate change, pollution, and other issues will become what kills the planet as we know it. We don’t know how you feel, but we genuinely believe that many current leaders are full of platitudes and lack the ability or true desire to pursue the actions they promise on the campaign trails.

Almost 150 years ago, people were concerned about pollution generated by Standard Oil Company and its grip on political power. “Standard,” as it was then known, spawned Exxon, Mobil, Chevron, BP, Amoco, Marathon, Arco, and Phillips 66, our current oil companies. The people in the political cartoon from 1880, shown below, were breathing while covering their noses with handkerchiefs to avoid pollution from Standard Oil refineries. Even that far back, there were the beginnings of ecological awareness.


1880 cartoon showing Standard Oil as an octopus with tentacles labeled 'STANDARD OIL' reaching into homes and industries, symbolizing its monopolistic grip and societal impact.

A “Horrible Monster” published in The Daily Graphic, 1880.


Use Your Power

We absolutely have the power to advocate and to vote for the removal from office of greedy and self-serving persons whose purpose is to deny climate change exists while supporting concerns that continue to destroy the planet, even as they enrich themselves and their cronies. We also can vote with our pocketbooks by withdrawing sales and investments from corporations that continue to abuse the planet.

The challenges we face today cannot be ignored, but united, we can force changes for the good of the planet to occur.

Are You Ready to Vote?

Voting when you are prepared is not difficult, but some steps are needed to be ready. First, register with local election offices WELL BEFORE an election. The election offices where you live may or may not tell you where you will vote.

Locations do change, so it is best to check where you should go to vote shortly before the election. As far as we know, you must go to the location assigned to you in all districts.

Next, it helps to know who you are voting for because, obviously, you want to elect those supporting the planet, the country you live in, and your local issues.

To learn more about who is running, you first need to find out who they are and then determine whether their views align with yours. Hopefully, the links below will help in achieving that.

Being practical helps. You don’t know anyone with whom you totally agree on everything, and you won’t find politicians that you totally agree with, either. However, you can find those who most closely represent your values and vote for them. Hopefully, others agree, and your chosen candidates win.

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