Who Is Running for Office
The destruction of our planet’s ecosystems and the escalating threat of climate change are crises no individual or nation can solve alone. While personal actions—like reducing waste, conserving energy, and cutting carbon emissions—are crucial, they represent only a fraction of the solution. To effectively combat these global challenges, we need coordinated efforts driven by strong leadership at all levels of government. The decisions made by world leaders today will have lasting impacts, determining whether we preserve a livable world for future generations.
Electing leaders who recognize the urgency of these issues and commit to policies addressing climate change, biodiversity loss, and ecosystem destruction is critical to any long-term strategy. By staying informed about candidates and their stances on crucial environmental issues, we can elect those ready to take bold action. It’s not just about our individual choices—it’s joining with others to empower leaders who will drive the global policies needed to protect our planet.
Tracking Candidates
To make informed decisions on who to vote for, it helps to know who is running. Researching a candidate’s positions on the issues is necessary if you want to elect people whose views coincide with those that are important to you.
Ballotpedia has an excellent sample ballot lookup tool. It’s a great way to find out who in your election district is running, so you can do some snooping to find out what they stand for.
Protecting against devastating climate change, species extinction, and the eco-destruction of tropical forests deserves more thoughtful consideration than playing:
One Trump, two Kamala, three Trump, four,
Five Kamala, six Trump, seven Kamala, more,
One Trump, two Kamala, I choose you!
U.S. Secretary of State Election Pages
Each U.S. state’s Secretary of State plays a crucial role in overseeing elections and providing current, accurate information to voters. Their sites will provide you with the most accurate information on these topics. These official pages serve as valuable resources, offering guidance on voter registration, polling locations, and ballot details. By connecting with your state’s Secretary of State and visiting their official election pages, you can stay informed on everything from registration deadlines to candidate profiles, ensuring you’re well-prepared to vote for leaders who prioritize environmental sustainability.
1. Alabama: https://www.sos.alabama.gov/alabama-votes
2. Alaska: https://www.elections.alaska.gov/
3. Arizona: https://azsos.gov/elections
4. Arkansas: https://www.sos.arkansas.gov/elections
5. California: https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections
6. Colorado: https://www.coloradosos.gov/pubs/elections/main.html
7. Connecticut: https://portal.ct.gov/SOTS/Election-Services/Election-Services
8. Delaware: https://elections.delaware.gov/
9. Florida: https://dos.myflorida.com/elections/
10. Georgia: https://sos.ga.gov/elections
11. Hawaii: https://elections.hawaii.gov/
12. Idaho: https://sos.idaho.gov/elections/
13. Illinois: https://www.elections.il.gov/
14. Indiana: https://www.in.gov/sos/elections/
15. Iowa: https://sos.iowa.gov/elections/
16. Kansas: https://sos.ks.gov/elections/elections.html
17. Kentucky: https://elect.ky.gov/Pages/default.aspx
18. Louisiana: https://www.sos.la.gov/ElectionsAndVoting
19. Maine: https://www.maine.gov/sos/cec/elec/
20. Maryland: https://elections.maryland.gov/
21. Massachusetts: https://www.sec.state.ma.us/ele/
22. Michigan: https://www.michigan.gov/sos/0,4670,7-127-1633—,00.html
23. Minnesota: https://www.sos.state.mn.us/elections-voting/
24. Mississippi: https://www.sos.ms.gov/elections-voting
25. Missouri: https://www.sos.mo.gov/elections
26. Montana: https://sosmt.gov/elections/
27. Nebraska: https://sos.nebraska.gov/elections
28. Nevada: https://www.nvsos.gov/sos/elections
29. New Hampshire: https://sos.nh.gov/elections/
30. New Jersey: https://www.state.nj.us/state/elections/
31. New Mexico: https://www.sos.state.nm.us/voting-and-elections/
32. New York: https://www.elections.ny.gov/
33. North Carolina: https://www.ncsbe.gov/
34. North Dakota: https://www.sos.nd.gov/elections
35. Ohio: https://www.ohiosos.gov/elections/
36. Oklahoma: https://oklahoma.gov/elections.html
37. Oregon: https://sos.oregon.gov/voting/Pages/default.aspx
38. Pennsylvania: https://www.dos.pa.gov/VotingElections/Pages/default.aspx
39. Rhode Island: https://vote.sos.ri.gov/
40. South Carolina: https://www.scvotes.gov/
41. South Dakota: https://sdsos.gov/elections-voting/default.aspx
42. Tennessee: https://sos.tn.gov/elections
43. Texas: https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/index.shtml
44. Utah: https://vote.utah.gov/
45. Vermont: https://sos.vermont.gov/elections/
46. Virginia: https://www.elections.virginia.gov/
47. Washington: https://www.sos.wa.gov/elections/
48. West Virginia: https://sos.wv.gov/elections/Pages/default.aspx
49. Wisconsin: https://elections.wi.gov/
50. Wyoming: https://sos.wyo.gov/Elections/Default.aspx
51. District of Columbia: https://www.dcboe.org/
This list now includes all 50 states and the District of Columbia, all of which can participate in U.S. federal elections, including presidential elections.
This list now has clickable URLs for each state’s Secretary of State election page. The URLs are enclosed in square brackets followed by parentheses containing the same URL, which is the Markdown format for creating hyperlinks. When this Markdown is rendered, it will display as clickable links.
These URLs will take you directly to your state’s official election website, where you will find a wealth of information.